QRZ! Ham Radio 3
QRZ Ham Radio Callsign Database - Volume 3.iso
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From philabs!philmtl!uunet!wuarchive!brutus.cs.uiuc.edu!tut.cis.ohio-state.edu!ucbvax!dgc.mceo.dg.COM!Kendell_Chilton Thu Aug 31 10:27:08 EDT 1989
Article 13798 of rec.ham-radio:
Path: philabs!philmtl!uunet!wuarchive!brutus.cs.uiuc.edu!tut.cis.ohio-state.edu!ucbvax!dgc.mceo.dg.COM!Kendell_Chilton
>From: Kendell_Chilton@dgc.mceo.dg.COM
Newsgroups: rec.ham-radio
Subject: Yaesu FT767GX Mod
Message-ID: <8908251429.AI00043@adam.DG.COM>
Date: 25 Aug 89 13:29:48 GMT
Sender: daemon@ucbvax.BERKELEY.EDU
Reply-To: KCHILTON%ewd.mceo.dg.com@RELAY.CS.NET
Organization: The Internet
Lines: 35
Posted: Fri Aug 25 09:29:48 1989
CEO comments:
CEO file contents:
I have recently purchased the aforementioned transceiver. I have had no
problems to speak of and enjoy the rig thoroughly. I would like to
submit the following mod for the rig. Note that implementation on this
mod is at the rig owner's risk and may violate warranties. Here is a
description of the mod:
o Remove two screws from the top near the front of the rig.
o Remove the bottom cover (8 screws: 4 underneath, 2 on each side)
o Remove the plastic rear panel. (8 screws)
o Remove the rear metal panel. (10 screws in back + 1 on each side)
o Loosen the "hinge" screws on the front bottom. There are 4 of them.
o CAREFULLY lift front of the rig over the bottom watching as to not
destroy the two bundles of wire that run vertically in the rear corners
of the rig. There are two power supply lines that need to be
disconnected in the midst of this manuever; they have connectors near
the power supply. (Remember to reconnect them on assembly.) You will
now notice that we have exposed a small circuit baord (the control
board). Underneath it is the one we want under the metal
covering. You may want to remove the two screws located near the front
of the rig. Note that this board is the same one that has the switch
that allows changing the tuning dial from 5kHz/rev to 10kHz/rev.
o Locate switch S01 and change its position. The rig will now transmit
from 1.5 to 29.99999 MHz.
o Reverse the disassembly procedure.
Well that's it. You are now ready for any band addition that may come
our way. If you have problems, reply; I'll try to answer your
73s de KA1TIH : Kendell_Chilton@dgc.mceo.dg.com (Ken Chilton)